A teacher and translator, in particular within the 7-year long systematic course of studies of Buddhism at the Tibetan Centre Hamburg.
She is a Tibetologist and is currently working on her Ph.D. thesis at the University of Hamburg. She is a member of the Committee of Western Bhiksunis as well as the Bhikkhuni Ordination Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Religion of the Tibetan Government in Exile.
She is co-founder of Sakyadhita International (Bodhgaya 1987) and of Sakyadhita Europe (formerly Sakyadhita Germany). Together with Dr. Thea Mohr, she is organizing the International Congress on Buddhist Women's Role in the Sangha in Hamburg from July 18-20, 2007, to which His Holiness the Dalai Lama has accepted an invitation. She received the Outstanding Women in Buddhism Award at the United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand in 2007.
"Unlike most of the dharma teachers in the West, as a fully ordained nun I am mostly confronted in my teachings in Germany, both at the Tibet Centre and at the University Hamburg, with adults who not only want an answer to all kinds of lifesituations from the view of a practitioner, but who at the same time are people, who want to study and understand the Philosophy of Buddhisms in a deeper way. Many of them are in leading positions in society and used to give lectures themselves. They often have little time, would like to be given complex contents in a short time and compressed form and often ask very critical questions. Because of my Study of Buddhism, firstly with my tibetan Teacher Geshe Thubten Ngawang (1932-2003), and then the additional Study of Tibetology and Buddhology at the University Hamburg, these people are aware that I have a special knowledge and therefore expect something accordingly from me. The essential realizations of buddhist philosophy can be a great lifesupport, also for non-buddhists. In addition, there is my engagement over decades with the tibetan refugees in indian exile, and with the rights of buddhist women in Tibet, India, and Himalayas, to education and amittance to full ordination to become buddhist nuns, so that I have to give repeatedly lectures about these, so far unresolved problems."